HWTS Help System

Report - Total Yearly Tonnage by Disposal / Method Code Report

HWTS Report allows you to search for information by disposal and method code.

Select: You must search by City, County or Certified Unified Program Agencies(CUPA). Mandatory.

City/County/CUPA: Once you make a selection, you can define a subset by selecting a single city, county or Certified Unified Program Agencies(CUPA) region.

Year: Select the ship year from the drop down list.

Display: Select to see either "All" records, or the top 10, 20, 50, or 100 records for the selected year.

Sort: Select the sort order (Highest Tons, Method Code, Method Name).

How to Search Yearly Tonnage by Disposal Method:

  1. Select City, County or Certified Unified Program Agencies(CUPA) by selecting the circle "radio" button to the left of the entry.
  2. Once one is selected, the "Find" button will appear at the bottom of the form.
  3. Select the "Year."
  4. Select a "Display."
  5. Select a "Sort."
  6. Click on "Find" when ready to run the report.
  7. Results are delivered in an Adobe Acrobat file (PDF). Click here to download a free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader.

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