Report – Hazardous Waste Handling Summary for Company
HWTS Report allows you to create summaries for a company based on their Entity Type, Disposal Codes, and State Waste Codes.
ID Number: Enter the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Identification (ID) number of the company. Mandatory.
Entity: Select the entity type from the list (Generator, Transporter, Transporter 2, Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility (TSDF), or Alternate TSDF) how you wish the ID to be treated.
Method: Select "All" or limit your search to a particular disposal "method."
Waste: Select "All" or limit search to a particular California "Waste" Code by selecting it from the drop down list.
Shipping dates: Use either the "Start Ship" and "End Ship" to search between a series of dates or select a single "Ship Year" from the drop down list.
Search List of Manifests For A Specific Company: