Hazardous Waste Tracking System (HWTS): Frequently Asked Questions

Last updated March 13, 2007

PLEASE NOTE: In 2005, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) published regulations that significantly changed the manifest form and procedures. They mandate national use of a new Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest that went into effect on September 5, 2006.   Information on the new regulations, as well as additional information on hazardous waste manifesting, can be found on the Department of Toxic Substances Control's (DTSC's) Hazardous Waste Manifest Information webpage.

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Do I need a Login?

No. General Public Reports (10 reports) are accessible to all users. Select the "Reports" link to access these reports.

Note: If you are a Certified Unifed Program Agency (CUPA), state, local or federal agency, you can access additional reports. Coordinate with your local HWTS representative for a login. For questions regarding HWTS, please contact DTSC at hwtsadmn@dtsc.ca.gov, and use "HWTS" in the subject line.

I have forgotten my password. What do I do? (CUPA, STATE, LOCAL OR FEDERAL AGENCY STAFF ONLY).

Click on the Login Link. Under the username and password, you will see a link called "Forgot Password?" Click on this link. You will be prompted to enter your assigned username. If your username is correct, your password will be sent to your email address in the system. Check the HWTS HELP icon at the top of the screen for additional help.

Can I change my existing password? (CUPA, STATE, LOCAL OR FEDERAL AGENCY STAFF ONLY).

Yes, you can change your password. Log on to the HWTS system using your current password. You will see a link called "Change Password" on the menu. Click on this link. You will be prompted to enter and reconfirm your new password. Your new password must be at least five characters long and different from your existing password. Check the HWTS HELP icon at the top of the screen for additional help.

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Is e-manifesting (electronic manifesting or on-line manifesting) available through HWTS?

Currently, on-line manifesting is not available. US EPA's Office of Solid Waste held a two-day public meeting on May 19-20, 2004, to discuss and obtain public input on a national electronic manifest ("e-manifest") system. Click on the link below for more information from the US EPA website:

Presentations from a Public Meeting on Development and Implementation of Electronic Manifests to Accompany Hazardous Waste Shipments

EPA later published a concept paper and request for comments on April 18, 2006. The webpage link is https://epa.gov/fedrgstr/EPA-WASTE/2006/April/Day-18/f5745.htm

How do I correct a manifest?

You can submit a manifest correction in writing and send it to DTSC, Generator Information Services Section, Attention: Manifest Correction, P.O. Box 806, Sacramento, CA 95812-0806. You may submit one letter with an attached list or spreadsheet if you have multiple manifests with the same error. Include the following information on your company letterhead:

I mailed my manifest to DTSC, but the system says that the manifest is not found. Why?

It takes approximately 90-120 days for the manifest to be imaged and the data to be entered into HWTS. Once the manifest is in the datamart, the data can be retrieved for reports.

Where can I find more information about hazardous waste manifesting?

New Federal and State Manifest Regulations were effective on September 5, 2006. Information on the new regulations, as well as additional information on hazardous waste manifesting, can be found on DTSC's Hazardous Waste Manifest Information webpage.

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The manifest tonnage in the report seems to be excessive. Why?

In 2004 and 2005, many manifests did not match correctly and resulted in duplicate manifest and tonnage counts. Therefore, totals in those years may be overstated. DTSC is working on correcting this data loading problem.

What does "manifest version" mean?

Each time a correction is made to a manifest, another version of that manifest is created in the datamart.

What is the "G" and "D" copy?

The "G" copy is the generator copy. The "D" copy is the TSDF (destination) copy.

I requested a "General Public Report". How can I see the output of the report?

Download and install Acrobat Reader on your computer in order to view the general public reports. If you already have Acrobat Reader, then the report window may have been minimized at the bottom of your screen.

You will need to disable your pop-up blocker if it is activated. From Internet Explorer, click on "Tools", click on "Pop-up Blocker", click on "Turn Off Pop-up Blocker.

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How do I contact DTSC if I have more questions?

Please email hwtsadmn@dtsc.ca.gov if you have any more questions with HWTS. Identify one of the following topics in the subject line: Login, Manifests, Reports, or Miscellaneous. Check the HWTS HELP icon at the top of the screen for additional help. For manifest questions, go to the Manifest web site https://dtsc.ca.gov/IDManifest/Manifests.cfm, email CAManRegs@dtsc.ca.gov, or call 1-800-72TOXIC to speak to a DTSC Regulatory Assistance Officer.

What state and federal laws govern manifesting?

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