HWTS Help System

Data Receipt and Batching (Manual Process)

The California Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest (manifest) is a six-part document that serves as an audit trail for those parties involved the shipment of hazardous waste. It provides regulatory information to DTSC, complies with federal hazardous waste law, and contains the shipping information required by the U.S. Department of Transportation. The six parts of the manifest are distributed in the following manner:

  1. The generator retains a copy.
  2. The generator mails a copy to DTSC.
  3. The transporter retains a copy.
  4. The treatment storage or disposal facility (TSDF) retains a copy.
  5. The TSDF returns one copy to the generator to confirm receipt.
  6. The TSDF mails a copy to DTSC.

The DTSC Contractor receives and processes the documents, extracts relevant data, and provides the data to DTSC. Once the manifest documents are microfilmed, the contractor shreds the original paper documents. When DTSC receives the data, it is loaded into the automated information system. Since January 1, 1997, the manifests have also been scanned to electronic documents. Microfilm and electronic images are linked to the information that was collected from the paper. This process normally takes about 45 days. Historically, about 500,000 manifests (1 million documents) are created each year. The components of the paper driven process are:

Discrepancy Indication Space – This data element is provided for the TSDF to provide information on discrepancies between waste stream information provided by the generator and waste stream information received.

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