HWTS Help System

Data Entry

Role Capabilities and Limitations

The HWTS works based on the user access rights for the different functionalities provided by the system. These user access rights (called Roles) determine what screens are available to which user and within the screen what actions a particular role can perform. These roles come into play only after the user has logged into the system. If a person has not logged in, then the only options allowed are the General Public Reports and the ability to create custom requests.

The following table summarizes the list of all the roles in the system and their capabilities and limitations.

All the following roles (except General Public) have the General Public Role along with their specific role.

Note: A user can be assigned one or more roles.

Role Description Capabilities Limitations
Application Codes Maintainer Maintains all Application Codes such as Cities, Counties, RCRA Codes, Non-RCRA Codes, CUPA, Method Codes etc.  
Consolidators FTP TQR Manifest Data  
DTSC Enforcement Access to Reports to which they have been assigned access.  
DTSC Staff Access to Reports to which they have been assigned access.  
DTSC Technician with Corrections Can correct California Manifests, Exports and Imports Manifests.  
Enforcement Agencies – Federal/Local/State Access to Reports to which they have been assigned access.  
Environmental Researchers Access to Reports to which they have been assigned access.  
Facility Maintainer with Purge Maintain Facility information (Add/Copy/Browse/Modify/Purge/Restore)  
Facility Maintainer without Purge Maintain Facility information (Add/Copy/Browse/Modify) Cannot Purge/Restore Facility records.
FTP Manifest Data FTP Manifest data.  
General Public Access General Public Reports only and create custom requests. No access to images
Generator Can create manifests, continuation sheets, correct/view manifests.  
Government Non-Enforcement Agencies: Federal/State/Local Access to Reports to which they have been assigned access.  
Report Analyst Access to Custom Request Queue and generate Payment Request Notices.  
System Administrator Super User; Access to all parts of the system  
Transporter Create Manifests, Continuations, Correct and View manifests (only if they have Generator role also.)  
Transporter Maintainer with Purge Maintain Transporter Registration information (Add/Copy/Browse/Modify/Purge/Restore)  
Transporter Maintainer without Purge Maintain Transporter information (Add/Copy/Browse/Modify) Cannot Purge/Restore Transporter records.
TSDF Can receipt manifests, View and Correct Manifests  
Work Queue Administrator Can Override, Correct, generate Correction Letters, Reroute to Work Queue Administrator with comments, View manifest images for all errors, View Errors without locking the record and Purge records in the Work Queue.  
Work Queue Technician Can Override, Correct, generate Correction Letters, Reroute to Work Queue Administrator with comments, View manifest images for all errors in the Work Queue. Cannot View Errors directly without locking the record.
Cannot Purge the work queue errors.

Electronic Input of Data

This system feature will provide optional input methods for the collection of manifest data. The following is a list of input options:

Pre-processing Edits

This process will apply basic high level business rules to the data prior to entry to the system. These would include rules such as a mandatory field entry and compliance with a standard file format. If the manifest file fails the standard format check, the complete file will be returned with applicable error information. If the manifest fails the mandatory field check, the manifest (paper entry) or the manifest record (electronic entry) will be returned to the submitter of the manifest with applicable error information.

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